The time has finally come to spring clean all your gear. It's a job that no one really enjoys but during this down time it may as well be one of those jobs that you just get out of the way so you can get back to doing some more fun stuff. 



When it comes to boots and clothing we highly recommend that you use this time to reproof your boots and waterproofs. We recommend the Nikwax leather proof and suede proof for our boots as well as a Dubbin leather food for the leather Scafell Lites. All of these products are available on our accessories page, link below. We have also linked a couple of videos below on the best way to reproof your boots and your waterproof. We recommend the Nikwax Tech Wash and TX-Direct for reproofing your waterproofs, video below: 




It might be an obvious one but we get a lot of questions about the right way to wash your chainsaw trousers and it's just the same as you would wash any other items of clothing. Make sure to check the pockets first, brush down any debris so you don't clog up the machine and sling them in the washing machine. The most important thing to remember with chainsaw trousers is DO NOT TUMBLE DRY THEM. Make sure to air dry them on the washing line, in the airing cupboard or on the airer in front of the radiator or wood burner. If you tumble dry them it can damage the trousers as all the fibres and elastic can shrivel up. 



So now onto your climbing gear itself, it's super important to clean your ropes, karabiners and other climbing devices as debris can build up on these things and in turn shorten the products lifespan by not being properly cleaned and maintained. Make sure to read through the manufacturers recommendations and guidelines before hand just to be safe. We've found some useful videos on cleaning and maintaining your climbing gear that can help:

CLEANING ROPES (Not arb specific but a good demo on rope cleaning):


CLEANING KARABINERS (Cleaning starts at 1 hour into video):